Celebrate Small Business Saturday with us.
Read MoreOne of our loyal customers sent us this delicious recipe for a whole chicken!
Read MoreHear more about our farm, our family and our journey to the Grassfed Cattle Co.!
Read MoreThis time it’s not a calf, chicken or plant in the pasture…
Read MoreWhew, what a whirlwind! We’re finally back with a chicken update. Read all about our first batch of chickens, new hoop house and ordering chicken from our farm.
Read MoreWe’re so excited to fill you in on some big news on our farm. Many customers asked for corn and soy free pastured chicken and we’re happy to announce it is coming soon to Grassfed Cattle Co this summer! We are being funded by two grants for research with our pastured chickens to understand the impact of different feeds on pastured chickens.
Read MoreLife on the farm in the winter has both positives and negatives. Here’s our winter farm update!
Read MoreThe choices we make on our farm are important to the health of our land, livestock and family. They are also important to you as a consumer of the grassfed beef, pork and chicken raised on our farm. We choose to follow the soil health principles.
Read MoreWe’ve recently been featured in the news and wanted to share the articles and publications with you! We are so thankful for the organizations and communities that helped us gain the knowledge and connections we have today.
Read MoreMeet Casey Ryan! Casey raised one batch of pastured chickens for Grassfed Cattle Co. this fall and is from Goodhue, Minnesota.
Read MoreKrista at Healthy Casa shares how she uses Grassfed Cattle Co. beef to make delicious, healthy beef kebabs!
Read MoreWe know labels in the grocery store can be confusing. There are so many and unfortunately, they can sometimes be misleading. That's why we want to connect with you as your farmers - so we can transparently show you how we raise our livestock and answer the questions you and your family have!
Read MoreEver open up your box from Grass Fed Cattle Co. and ask yourself, now what will I make with all of this? While our family is all for burgers on the grill or sausage links alongside our eggs at breakfast, we also like to keep things interesting.
Hi everyone, I'm Krista from Happy Healthy Casa. I’m a holistic health enthusiast, teacher and stay-at-home mama to a busy 4-year-old. I am passionate about buying local, high quality meat, as well as cooking nutrient dense meals for my family. Which is precisely why, today, I am thrilled to be sharing in seven of our favorite healthy and flavorful recipes for a box full of Grass Fed Cattle Co. products.
Read MoreHow does shopping local help family farmers, the environment and the economy?
Read MoreA few recipes you can cook together.
Read MoreWhether you're new to the Grassfed Cattle Co or been a customer for years, we are constantly asked about our bulk boxes. We'll share the top three reasons you should consider buying meat in bulk from the Grassfed Cattle Co.
Read MoreHear from our guest, Stephanie May Potter!
Read MoreHomemade Bone Broth Recipes: It's healthy, delicious and simple. We'll show you how!
Healthy, delicious bone broth can be made from our grassfed beef, pastured pork or pastured chicken.
Check out the recipes below for helpful tips on how to make bone broth!
Meet Chicken and Beef Farmers Jared & Valerie!
Read MoreMeet pig farmers Dave and Jodi!
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