Cows Save the Planet (Part 2)

In part 1 of Cows Save the Planet, we talked about how cattle are producing no more methane than the bison and elk did before we domesticated livestock across the United States. We also talked about how a pasture-based operation uses significantly less fossil fuels, because we are not dependent on machinery for the majority of our feed systems.

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Barn2Door Admin
Easy Beef Freezer Dinners

Check out these three beef freezer recipes from Linsdey of Nourish Move Love! They are wholesome, kid-friendly and perfect for back-to-school, dinner, maternity leave or weekend trips. Shop our grassfed beef and find other great recipes from Minnesota Beef!

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Barn2Door Admin
Pastured Chicken!

Within the first couple weeks of meeting customers when we purchased this business, we heard from several people that they would love if we offered pastured chicken at the Grass Fed Cattle Company. You asked, and we listened!

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Beef and Broccoli

This healthy beef and broccoli recipe was super simple and tasty too!  Here's what it looked like from start to finish when we gave this recipe a try but we are thankful A Sweet Pea Chef provided us with an awesome how to video and blog!

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Barn2Door Admin
Ham Hock Recipe

Wondering what to do with the ham hock in your package? We did the hard work for you and found a killer recipe from Steele House Kitchen. White Bean and Ham Hock Soup Yields 8 servings Ingredients:

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Guest Blogger and Proprietor at Abundant Kitchen, Becki Melvie, is Back Sharing How To Render Tallow!

Oh, how to find eloquent enough words to describe the slightly repugnant process of rendering tallow? First off, let’s begin with what tallow is. Tallow is the rendered fat that surrounds the kidneys, sometimes referred to as leaf lard, in an animal such as a cow or pig. Once rendered, the fat is very similar to lard in appearance and functionality in the kitchen and has a high smoke point.

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Barn2Door Admin
Cows and Skittles

Being Minnesotans, you might have missed this recent story about our neighboring state where the story starts off being about red skittles but ends up being about cattle feed. 

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Bacon has been in the news a lot this past week!  Media is warning us that bacon (and pop) will likely kill us.  As always, it is important to understand where your bacon comes from, how it is raised and how it is processed. 

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Barn2Door Admin
Cheers to Thom!

Thom, who also happens to be co-founder of Burning Brothers Brewery in St. Paul, successfully completed his first Cow Pool! So let's raise our glass and give a cheers to Thom for inviting and encouraging folks to stock their freezers with our 100% grass fed beef. 

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