Our Dreams – For Our Family and Yours!


Jared and I have many dreams. Dreams for our farm, dreams for our family, dreams about this business, and dreams about how this business can serve your family. We hope that through this email we can share a few of those dreams with you.

Jared and I both grew up on farms and we loved the experience. Playing hide and seek in the sheds, working and playing with animals like rabbits, sheep, pigs and of course cows. We loved being able to spend time with our families while they were at work, and actually contribute to their work. I can remember when I was 7 years old and I would help my mom feed newborn lambs, and Jared talks about the experience when he was 10 years old and was able to drive a tractor alone for the first time and help his family make hay. These are experiences we wouldn’t trade for anything and our dream has always been to provide these same experiences to our children someday. Our dream is that I can stop working off the farm and be a part of the farm where Jared and I can raise our kids together. However, this can be difficult today in agriculture. We have less land than many farmers and there are two families trying to make a living on it. This is one reason why we have pursued this dream of marketing direct to consumers. We hope that we can add value to our farm and provide enough income so that any member of the family who wishes to be part of the farm and enjoy this lifestyle has that opportunity. And we hope to be able to continue to provide this opportunity to other local farmers as well.

We also have dreams of restoring the land to what nature intended. Land filled with many different plant species, and a diverse array of wildlife and livestock, as well as active biology in the soil all working together to build a healthy ecosystem. It’s when you have a healthy ecosystem and healthy soil that you can produce the healthiest, most nutrient dense food on that land. And this healthy, nutrient dense food is where our dreams for you come into play.

Here at Grass Fed Cattle Company, our dream is to be your one-stop-shop for grass fed and pastured meat products. We want to be your source of information when it comes to the production of that food. And we want to share the experience of farm life that we love so much with all of you! We know our dreams for this business and our farm, what are yours? Would you like other pastured products like chickens, lamb, or eggs? How can we help connect you to your food? Social media, farm tours, etc.? We need your input and that’s why we put together a few questions that we would love for you to answer by either follow this link. This would help us greatly in figuring out how we can help make our dream of serving you a reality. You can also respond to this email or give us a call! We’d love to hear from you!

Barn2Door Admin