How to Cook Pastured Chicken

Cooking our pastured chickens is simple - use your favorite recipes and expect even more flavor!

Our birds typically have firmer, larger breast and leg meat than the chicken you’d typically buy in the grocery store.

 ✓ Use a thermometer to monitor the cooking progress. USDA recommends cooking chicken to an internal temperature of 165 degrees. 

✓ Let the chicken sit covered and in a warm place for 5 to 8 minutes after removing from heat to let the juices redistribute. 

✓ Roast one of our whole chickens or cut the bird into smaller parts and tailor your cooking method accordingly.

✓ Breasts can be cooked quickly for juicy meat and crisp skin, while legs and thighs, which have more of a chew (in a good way!), are great braised until fork-tender.

We work to ensure that you enjoy your Pastured Chicken. Please contact us if you have questions about any particular cut of chicken in your package or if you would like for us to share one of our recipes with you!