Benefits of Grass Fed Beef Liver

Beef liver is known as nature’s multivitamin. It's a concentrated source of essential vitamins and minerals, boasting an impressive profile that supports overall health and well-being. Incorporating 100% grass fed beef liver into your diet can be a simple yet powerful way to boost your nutrient intake and reap the rewards of this incredible superfood.

During my second pregnancy, I (Valerie Luhman, former owner of Grassfed Cattle Co.) began studying more about prenatal nutrition and read the book Real Food for Pregnancy by Lily Nichols. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is expecting or hopes to grow their family in the future, but it also offers a huge amount of insight that applies to all people, including the benefits of beef liver in our diets.


“I recommend you get as much iron through your diet as possible, particularly from animal foods, which is well-absorbed and without side effects. Iron from animal foods comes in a form called heme iron, which is absorbed 2-4x better than plant-sourced non-heme iron” (Nichols, 2018).

According to the CDC, the overall prevalence of anemia (which is often caused by iron deficiency) in the US is 9.3% in people age 2 and older. This means that while not the majority, a significant portion of the population does experience anemia. Iron is especially important in children under the age of 5, who need sufficient iron for growth and development (Williams et al., 2024). “Liver is the single richest source of iron, a mineral that protects against maternal anemia and numerous other health problems.” Beef liver is one of the best sources of iron, with 5.6 mg of heme iron per 3 ounce portion (Nichols, 2018).

Folate and vitamin B12

Liver is also a particularly rich source of both folate and vitamin B12. “Due to a common genetic variation in an enzyme called MTHFR, up to 60% of the population is unable (or less able) to use the synthetic folic acid that’s commonly found in supplements or added to fortified foods. Eating liver ensures you obtain the form of folate that your body can fully utilize, no matter your genetics” (Nichols, 2018). Both folate and vitamin B12 are vital for overall health and well-being, impacting energy levels, cognitive function, and immune health (Troen, 2012).

“Organ meats, like liver and kidney, contain up to 200 times the levels of vitamins B12 than muscle meats, like steak or chicken breast. Plant proteins contain zero vitamin B12” (Nichols, 2018).

Vitamins A, D, E and K

One of the standout benefits of grass-finished beef liver is its exceptional vitamin A content. “Liver is also incredibly rich in fat-soluable vitamins, including vitamins A, D, E, and K; all nutrients that are difficult to obtain otherwise” (Nichols, 2018).

“In fact, avoidance of liver is a known risk factor for inadequate vitamin A intake. In a Dutch study of over 1,700 women, those who ate liver almost always consumed adequate vitamin A, while an astonishing 70% of women who avoided liver failed to meet the RDA. This study is important, because it highlights a huge oversight in conventional prenatal nutrition policy. It’s generally assumed that vitamin A deficiency is something that is only common in developing countries with limited access to food, but this study is from one of the wealthiest countries in the world” (Nichols, 2018).

Vitmain A is important for maintaining eye health, immune function, cell growth and more (Manett, 2023). “To meet your vitamin A needs, consuming just a few ounces of liver once or twice a week is sufficient along with the carotenes from vegetables, and the other dietary sources of vitamin A (grass-fed butter, animal fats from pasture-raised animals, egg yolks, etc.)” (Nichols, 2018).

Recipe Ideas

If the thought of eating liver is unappetizing to you (as it was to me, especially in the first trimester), I’ll share a few of my favorite ways to incorporate it into my diet. They’re kid friendly too! While I don’t mind eating liver and onions as a main dish, my husband and kids aren’t particularly fond of the taste or texture so we typically make this Liver Pate recipe and use an ounce or two in dishes with ground beef, like tacos, spaghetti, meatloaf or other recipes with bold flavors. Lily Nichols also has a handful of other recipes in her “Liver and Organ Meat: Nutritional benefits & how to make it palatable” blog (Nichols, 2024). Do you have a favorite beef liver recipe? Please send it our way and we’ll feature it in an email or on our social media pages.

“When buying liver, remember that source matters. This organ is designed to filter toxins and store nutrients, so ideally, seek liver from healthy, pasture-raised animals” (Nichols, 2018).

where to buy Quality beef liver

Grassfed Cattle Co. beef liver is always 100% grass fed, meaning the cattle receive no grain during their lifetime, only grass and hay. We typically get about 30 pounds of liver per five head of beef cattle and usually have it in stock on our online store. It is frozen in one pound, vacuum-sealed packages. We continue to get requests for an ancestral blend ground beef, where organ meats are ground with ground beef. Our top goal is to serve you and your family well and would love to offer that product. We will continue to work with our processor, Lorentz Meats in Cannon Falls, Minnesota and as always, will update you as new products become available.

After I (Valerie) had our second child, I lost a decent amount of blood and my midwife told me I could either take an iron supplement or be intentional about consuming a few ounces of beef liver each week. They checked my iron levels six weeks later at my appointment and it was back up to an optimal level after eating Grassfed Cattle Co. beef liver that I made into Liver Pate!

Incorporating 100% grass fed beef liver into your diet can be a simple yet powerful way to boost your nutrient intake and reap the rewards of this incredible superfood.

Cattle grazing on our (Jared and Valerie Luhman’s) pasture near Goodhue, Minnesota.


Manett, S. (2023, January 19). Vitamin A: Medlineplus medical encyclopedia. MedlinePlus.,milk%2C%20and%20some%20fortified%20foods.

Nichols, L. (2024, June 18). Liver and organ meat: Nutritional benefits & how to make it palatable. Lily Nichols RDN.

Troen, A. M. (2012, August 31). Folate and vitamin B12: Function and importance in cognitive development. Nestle Nutrition Institute workshop series.

Williams, A. M. W., Anne M., Ansai, N., Ahluwalia, N., & Nguyen, D. T. (2024, December 4). Products - data briefs - number 519 - december 2024. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Tony Wells